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Refrigerated Seawater System (RSW)

YACHTAIR PRODUCTS® refrigerated sea water systems eliminate the need of ice. By chilling seawater down to 28° - 30°F your catch will have its heat removed in the fastest possible method while not freezing the product and bacterial growth is almost stopped. Providing the best preservation to insure highest market price for your catch.

YACHTAIR PRODUCT®  offers two types of refrigerated seawater systems to meet your individual needs. First is 316L stainless steel plates to be submerged in the fish hold with a remote mount condensing unit. Second option for live seafood operations where temperatures down to 38°F are required is our titanium tubed chill barrel where water is drawn from the fish hold through a strainer, pumped through the chill barrel, then back to the fish hold. This system is available modular for tight installations or self contained already precharged ready to fish. Titanum chill barrels can be connected to multiple tanks above or below deck, permanent or temporary fish holds, all with rigid piping or flexible hose allow endless possibilities.

RSW systems are available AC powered, with an engine driven compressor, or hydraulically driven. Units for 30' to 250' vessels. 
Titanium Refrigerated Seawater

YACHTAIR PRODUCTS® is a trademark owned by Beers Group, Inc. in connection with its automatic load bank equipment, machinery for marine applications, and air-conditioning and refrigeration apparatus for marine vessels.

Copyright © 2024 Beers Group, Inc.

Beers Group, Inc.
Phone: 954-524-6767

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